Nuevo Mundo #4 by Tatiana Parcero


Nuevo Mundo #4 by Tatiana Parcero


24.75 x 17.25 in Pigment on Acetate & Cotton Paper by Tatiana Paracero
Edition of 10

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This photograph is from the contemporary Mexican artist Tatiana Parcero’s Nuevo Mundo series. Parcero made this (double-layered*) photograph not long after completing her studies at the International Center of Photography. The work reflected on new personal horizons- place, position, family, life. Parcero was pregnant when making works belonging to the Nuevo Mudo. Besides images of her own body, the series included works that predominantly appropriated from colonial and celestial maps. This image is distinct from others in the series in its framing and content. It is a fragment instead of a full-figure, as many of the other works in the series tended to be. Rather than a colonial map, it pairs the artist’s eye with images that recall zodiac or celestial star maps. The sphere at the center overlaps the eye’s iris and is encircled by rings that recall both planetary orbits and atomic particles. This visual compression of macro-micro with a human eye is compelling. It is both a window to the soul and to the eternal. This photograph expands the conversation and reaches a universal plane.

Tatiana Parcero’s work created in this period are *double-layered prints; one print is on acetate, the other on photo paper. The print on acetate is face-mounted; the print on photo paper is back-mounted. A space separates the layers, so one image casts a shadow upon the other. Volume is created through space.