Rashod Taylor’s work runs as cover story for the November 2024 issue of M le Mag, the magazine of the French paper Le Monde. This editorial essay, “In Ferguson, the bitter grapes of anger” features text by Lucas Ministini.
Michael Brown Sr. and wife Cal Brown
Rashod Taylor’s photographs commemorate the death of Michael Brown, capture the "Lost Illusions of the Black Electorate," and the activists yet inspiring change. Shot in the style of his Little Black Boy work, Taylor's photo-story taps into the despair and endurance of a community seeking remembrance and healing. Instead- they have become dispirited even felt aggressed by the place they live. While grass-roots activists cry "the vote is a weapon" this story, released on the eve of the 2024 presidential election, foresaw what was coming. Many in the Black community planned to abstain from voting.