Retrospective exhibitions for Luis González Palma continue in Spain. Initiated in 2015 as part of PhotoEspaña, the retrospective, Intangible Constellations, was supported by Espacio Fundación Telefónica and curated by Alejandro Castellote.
The exhibition touches on the Artist's major themes, drawing connections through his oeuvre. Castellote selected works that underline the Artist's interest in identity and memory, introspection and intimacy as well as his practice of pushing the limits of the photographic media itself. For González Palma the photograph becomes an almost sculptural form. New and classic works were selected for the exhibition.
In the words of the curator: "Luis González Palma’s universe is made up of a constellation of themes orbiting around his work , constantly going to and fro. Identity and memory, –the axes of his first works- are tackled using portraits with constant echoes of religious and baroque painting . . . [Palma's] work is impregnated with a symphony of formal solutions which are, in his own words, 'an attempt to give body to ghosts that govern personal relationships, religious and political hierarchies found in life'. " - Castellote
Smaller renditions of the retrospective continue to travel through Spain; one is currently on view at the Museo Universidad de Navarra.
More on the Retrospective: Fundación Telefónica Madrid | Museo Universidad de Navarra